The Okawa Prize Winner


Dr. Robert L. Byer Dr. Robert L. Byer
William R. Kenan Jr. Professor Emeritus of Applied Physics, Stanford University
For pioneering research and leading contributions in the field of lasers and nonlinear optics
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Dr. Kenichi Iga Dr. Kenichi Iga
Honorary Professor, Institute of Science Tokyo
18th President of Formerly Tokyo Institute of Technology
Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL): Its invention and leading research that led to the creation of new photonics field, particularly in high-speed interconnects and sensing
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Dr. Yoshua Bengio Dr. Yoshua Bengio
Full Professor of Computer Science and Operations Research (DIRO), University of Montreal
Founder and Scientific Director of Mila - Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute
For pioneering research and application of fundamental techniques of deep learning in artificial intelligence
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Dr. Satoru Miyano Dr. Satoru Miyano
Specially Appointed Professor and Director, M&D Data Science Center, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
For outstanding contributions to advanced cancer research, such as whole-genome sequencing, through the utilization of supercomputers
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Dr. Shree K. Nayar Dr. Shree K. Nayar
T. C. Chang Professor of Computer Science, Columbia University Director, Columbia Imaging and Vision Laboratory
For the invention of innovative imaging techniques and their widespread use in digital photography and computer vision
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Dr. Chieko Asakawa Dr. Chieko Asakawa
IBM Fellow
Chief Executive Director, The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
IBM Distinguished Service Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
For significant contribution to the research and development of non-visual user interfaces, and to the realization of information accessibility
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Dr. John D. O’Sullivan Dr. John D. O’Sullivan
Honorary Fellow, CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science
For Pioneering contributions in the research and development of wireless LAN technologies
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Dr. Hideo Miyahara Dr. Hideo Miyahara
Past President and Professor Emeritus, Osaka University
For enormous contributions to the fundamental research in computer network modeling and performance evaluation, and to their spread and promotion
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Dr. Robert M. Gray Dr. Robert M. Gray
Alcatel-Lucent Technologies Professor of Communications and Networking in the School of Engineering, Stanford University, Emeritus
Seminal research in information coding theory and data compression, and enormous contributions to the promotion of diversity in engineering education
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Dr. Yasuhiko Yasuda Dr. Yasuhiko Yasuda
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
Professor Emeritus, Waseda University
The proposal of the basic technology for an analog to digital converter recently being most widely utilized and the pioneering research in a variety of signal processing for image coding, and the outstanding contributions to the development and dissemination of information and telecommunications engineering
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Dr. Martin Kay Dr. Martin Kay
Professor Emeritus, Stanford University
Honorary Professor, Saarland University
For outstanding contributions to the fundamental research and development concerning machine translation, including chart parsing and functional unification grammar
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Dr. Makoto Nagao Dr. Makoto Nagao
Professor Emeritus and Past President, Kyoto University
For pioneering achievements in the field of image processing, machine translation and system of digital library and enormous contributions to the promotion and development of academic researches
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Dr. Constance Chang-Hasnain Dr. Constance Chang-Hasnain
Associate Dean for Strategic Alliances, College of Engineering
John R. Whinnery Distinguished Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California, Berkeley
Co-director, Tsinghua-UC Berkeley Shenzhen Institute
For pioneering and outstanding research of VCSEL photonics through the development of their novel functions for optical communications and optical sensing
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Dr. Fumio Koyama Dr. Fumio Koyama
Director-General, Institute of Innovative Research
Professor, Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology
Tokyo Institute of Technology
For seminal contributions to VCSEL photonics in proposing high speed modulation and beam steering capability toward advanced optical communications and optical sensing
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Dr. David J. Kuck Dr. David J. Kuck
Intel Fellow
Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
For significant contributions in the field of parallel computing, especially to the research and development of compiler technology and productivity tools
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Dr. Akinori Yonezawa Dr. Akinori Yonezawa
Director, Software Technology and Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory, Chiba Institute of Technology
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
For pioneering contributions in innovation of a concurrent object-oriented computing model as well as its theoretical and practical research and development.
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Dr. John L. Hennessy Dr. John L. Hennessy
President Emeritus, Stanford University
Director, Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program, Stanford University
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Stanford University
For pioneering researches in computer architecture, especially RISC processors, as well as outstanding contribution to and leadership in higher education.
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Dr. Hideo Aiso Dr. Hideo Aiso
Professor Emeritus, Keio University
Director and Past President, Tokyo University of Technology
For pioneering and outstanding achievements in the research and development of computer systems and in the advancement of the computer industry as well as distinguished contributions to the development of interdisciplinary field based on informatics in higher education.
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Dr. Jaime Carbonell Dr. Jaime Carbonell
Director, Language Technologies Institute
University Professor, Allen Newell Professor,
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
For outstanding contributions to research in language technologies, machine learning and computational biology in the field of artificial intelligence
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Dr. Junichi Tsujii Dr. Junichi Tsujii
Director, Artificial Intelligence Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
For pioneering contributions to research in computational linguistics and natural language processing including machine translation and text mining
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Dr. Olivier Faugeras Dr. Olivier Faugeras
Director, NeuroMathComp Laboratory
Inria Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée(France)
For pioneering contributions for computer vision and for computational neuroscience
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Dr. Katsushi Ikeuchi Dr. Katsushi Ikeuchi
Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies
The University of Tokyo
For pioneering contributions in Computer Vision and Robot Vision Systems as well as in the development of the new field by these applications to the preservation, analysis and display of the cultural heritages
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Dr. David E. Culler Dr. David E. Culler
Chair of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California, Berkeley
For pioneering contributions to the design and development for wireless sensor networks
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Dr. Susumu Yoshida Dr. Susumu Yoshida
Specially Appointed Professor,
Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University
For pioneering researches of mobile communications and networking, and outstanding contributions to education and nurture of many human resources in the fields of information and telecommunications
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Victor Zue Dr. Victor Zue
Director of International Relations, CSAIL
Delta Electronics Professor, EECS
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
For pioneering and outstanding contributions to speech science and conversational spoken-language systems
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Sadaoki Furui Dr. Sadaoki Furui
Professor Emeritus
Professor, Academy for Global Leadership
Director, University Contents Utilization Center Tokyo Institute of Technology
For pioneering contributions to and leadership in the field of computer-based speech recognition and understanding
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Ingrid Daubechies Dr. Ingrid Daubechies
James B. Duke Professor of Mathematics, Duke University
For outstanding and pioneering contributions to the theory and applications of wavelets
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Jun Murai Dr. Jun Murai
Dean and Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University
For pioneering contributions to society in building and gaining wide adoption of the technological foundation of the Internet in Japan, and in promoting its globalization
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Charles H. Bennett Dr. Charles H. Bennett
IBM Fellow, IBM Thomas J.Watson Research Center
For pioneering works on quantum cryptography, and outstanding contributions to the advancement of modern quantum information theory as one of the founders
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Yoshihisa Yamamoto Dr. Yoshihisa Yamamoto
Professor, Stanford University
Professor, National Institute of Informatics
For distinguished and pioneering accomplishment in quantum optics/quantum information processing, and outstanding contributions to the development of this field
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf


Tomaso Poggio Dr. Tomaso Poggio
Eugene McDermott Professor, Brain and Congnitive Sciences, McGovern Institute for Brain Research and Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
For outstanding contributions to the establishment of computional neuroscience, and pioneering researches ranging from the biophysical and behavioral studies of the visual system to the computational theories of vision and learning in humans and machines
*MIT news reported that Dr. Tomaso Poggio receives Okawa Prize Check it here.
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Mitsuo Kawato Dr. Mitsuo Kawato
Director, ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories
For pioneering researches in integrating neuroscience and robotics toward understanding of information processing in the brain
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Adi Shamir Dr. Adi Shamir
The Paul and Marlene Borman Professor of Applied Mathematics, The Weizmann Institute of Science
For Outstanding Contributions to the Creation of the RSA Public-Key Encryption System, and the Production of a Number of Cryptographically Important Advances
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Hideki Imai Dr. Hideki Imai
Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
For Outstanding Contributions to Research in Coding Theory, Cryptography, and Their Applications
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J. K. Aggarwal Dr. J. K. Aggarwal
Cullen Trust for Higher Education Endowed Professorship in Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
For Outstanding Contributions to Conception and Pioneering Research of Dynamic Scene Analysis and Multi-Sensor Fusion in Computer Vision Systems
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Takeo Kanade Dr. Takeo Kanade
U. A. and Helen Whitaker University Professor of Computer Science and Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University
For far-reaching and pioneering research achievements in computer vision, artificial intelligence, and robotics, and the outstanding and innovative teaching that has produced the next generation of leaders in these fields
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Herwig Kogelnik Dr. Herwig Kogelnik
Adjunct Photonics Systems Research Vice President, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
Conception of Distributed Feedback Lasers and Pioneering Contributions to Wide-Band and Multi-Wavelength Optical Fiber Communication Systems
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf
Yasuharu Suematsu Dr. Yasuharu Suematsu
Adviser and Professor Emeritus (Former President), National Institute of Informatics
Professor Emeritus (Former President), Tokyo Institute of Technology
Professor Emeritus (Former President), Kochi University of Technology
Conception of Dynamic Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers and Pioneering Research on Long-Distance and High-Speed Optical Fiber Communications
*Click here for more biography and achievements pdf


Thomas S. Huang Dr. Thomas S. Huang
William L. Everitt Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
For pioneering and sustaining contributions to the theory of image sequence analysis and its applications to video compression, pattern recognition, and animation
Kazuo Horiuchi Dr. Kazuo Horiuchi
Professor, Emeritus, Waseda University
For outstanding contribution to the establishment of a functional analytic analysis method for electronics, information and communication systems and to the advancement of the information and communication field in Japan
Raj Reddy Dr. Raj Reddy
Herbert A.Simon University Professor of Computer Science and Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University
For pioneering researches of large scale artificial intelligence system, human-computer interaction and Internet,and outstanding contributions to information and telecommunications policy and nurture of many human resources
Ken Sakamura Dr. Ken Sakamura
Professor, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies and Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo
For original researches of high performance real time computer system (TRON) and its practical use by open architecture method,and outstanding contributions to advocacy of ubiquitous computing concept and its development


Mischa Schwartz Dr. Mischa Schwartz
Charles Batchelor Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University
For outstanding contributions and leadership in the fields of information and communication theory, computer networks including broadband integrated digital networks and wireless networks, and engineering education
Tadao Kasami Dr. Tadao Kasami
Professor Emeritus, Osaka University
Professor Emeritus, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
For distinguished and pioneering accomplishments of studies in coding theory, formal linguistic theory and calculation theory, as well as outstanding contributions to education in the fields of information and telecommunications in Japan
Thomas E. Everhart Dr. Thomas E. Everhart
President Emeritus, California Institute of Technology
Past Chancellor, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
For distinguished accomplishments in the development of scanning electron microscopy and microfabrication technologies; and for outstanding contributions and leadership in the development of science and technology, engineering education and progress of the information industry
Taizo Iijima Dr. Taizo Iijima
Past Vice President and Professor Emeritus,Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Technology
For outstanding contributions to pioneering research of pattern recognition's basic theory,and progress of advanced recognition technology in Japan


Leonard Kleinrock Dr. Leonard Kleinrock
Professor of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles
For pioneering and outstanding contributions to queueing theory and packet-switching theory, the foundation technology of the Internet
Namio Honda Dr. Namio Honda
Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University
Professor Emeritus, Nagoya University
Past President and Professor Emeritus, Toyohashi University of Technology
For distinguished and pioneering accomplishment of studies in information theory, and automata-language theory in Japan
William F. Miller Dr. William F. Miller
Past Provost and Herbert Hoover Professor of Public and Private
Management Emeritus, Stanford University
For outstanding and pioneering contribution to the progress of applied mathematics and information technologies and for prominent leadership in university and corporate management
Sogo Okamura Dr. Sogo Okamura
Chairman, International University of Japan President Emeritus,
Tokyo Denki University
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
For extraordinary accomplishments in original research related to ultrahigh frequency band waves and for outstanding contributions to international cooperation and the development of up-and-coming human resources


Walter A. Rosenblith Dr. Walter A. Rosenblith
Institute Professor Emeritus, Provost Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
For outstanding and pioneering contributions to the progress of biomedical engineering, especially the use of 'on line' computer analysis of brain activity, and to auditory biophysics as well as to the promotion of international scientific cooperation
Nobuaki Kumagai Dr. Nobuaki Kumagai
Member of the council for Science and Technology
Past President and Professor Emeritus, Osaka University
For distinguished accomplishments in pioneering new electromagnetic wave theories and establishing the field of electromagnetic wave engineering; and for outstanding contributions to education and nurture of many researchers and to the development of science and technology in Japan
Lewis M. Branscomb Dr. Lewis M. Branscomb
Aetna Professor in Public Policy and Corporate Management, Emeritus, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
For outstanding contributions to the progress of informatics, scientific and technological policy and corporate management
Hiroshi Hirayama Dr. Hiroshi Hirayama
Professor Emeritus, Waseda University
For pioneering achievement of studies on circuit network theory, information and communication network systems and distinguished contributions to the development of electronic data communications technologies in Japan


John R. Whinnery Dr. John R. Whinnery
University Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley
For distinguished contributions to microwaves and optoelectronics through research, teaching and publication
Shigebumi Saito Dr. Shigebumi Saito
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
For outstanding contribution to fundamental and key technologies of space communications and optical communications, and their applications
Lotfi A. Zadeh Dr. Lotfi A. Zadeh
Professor Emeritus and Director,Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing, University of California, Berkeley
For outstanding contributions to information science through the development of fuzzy logic and its applications
Jun-ichi Nishizawa Dr. Jun-ichi Nishizawa
Past President and Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University
For outstanding contributions to original research of material science, development of semiconductor engineering, and the pioneering achievement of optical communication


Toshiyuki Sakai Dr. Toshiyuki Sakai
Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku University
and Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University
For pioneering achievement of recognition processing of voice, character and image, and construction of information network of Japan
Zen'ichi Kiyasu Dr. Zen'ichi Kiyasu
Past Professor Tohoku University
For pioneering research of basic theory of information and telecommunications, and original development of communications equipment of Japan


Noboru Takagi Dr. Noboru Takagi
President, Tokyo Engineering University
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
For improvement of quality of electrical parts and promotion of space development of Japan
Tsuyoshi Amishima Dr. Tsuyoshi Amishima
Advisor, Telecommunication Advancement Organization of Japan
For establishment of the electric wave administration, advancement of electric industry, and promotion of space development